Project management
A work program organised in 7 Work Packages
The SETPROpER project’s scientific work program is organized in seven Work Packages, each of them dealing with a special field of content within the project (see Tasks distribution Table).
The work progress in each Work Package (WPL) is led by at least two Work Package Leaders. Every task within a Work Package is led by Task Leaders (T),
(see project organisational chart).
There are thirteen members that are leading the SETPROpER Work Packages with the Coordinator. The Work Package Lead members are responsible for all the other members who are contributing to their work packages, and have the role of an overall monitoring of the work, and of deciding about the following of the work in the tasks (according to the initial program or readjustments. This group holds videoconferences and twice-yearly face to face meetings with the country coordinators, in order to share their progress and raise any issues they may be experiencing (see Calendar of meetings, milestones, reports).
The meetings will be held alternatively in each partner country, so that the associated partners (industrials and public bodies) may be invited and take part in the exchanges with the decision body.
The financial and administrative coordination of the project in each country will be undertaken by the country coordinators (and vice coordinators) who will inform their country partners about these aspects, and also about exchanges of the project Coordinator with the EU Commission’s scientific and administrative officers
Moreover, the scientific managers of the countries are the main contacts for stakeholders, and the relay between partners and industry.
14 juin 2016